ODK Briefcase 1.4.4 introduces a new Command Line Interface (CLI) that will help you automate downloading forms from ODK Aggregate (or ODK Collect) and exporting the forms to an Excel-compatible format like CSV. It can even decrypt those forms if they are encrypted.
Because the CLI is fully scriptable, you can now script Briefcase to download all new data from Aggregate in the middle of the night, export that data to CSV for analysis, and have your reports waiting for you every morning!
The CLI also adds four great new features that you won't find in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that you've used in the past. You can specify a date range for export, speed up export by excluding media, append or overwrite an existing CSV, and specify separate storage and export directories.
Try the new CLI in ODK Briefcase 1.4.4 by downloading it from http://opendatakit.org/downloads. To run the CLI, go to your command line (sometimes known as the Terminal), and run the following.
java -jar ODK\ Briefcase\ v1.4.4\ Production.jar --help;
The CLI in ODK Briefcase was funded by the PMA2020 project at the Gates Institute and they have generously contributed the code to the ODK community as open source. If you need customization of ODK tools for your campaign, open source or not, Nafundi can help. Contact our ODK experts to get started.
In early 2018, polio virus was detected in the sewers of Mogadishu, Somalia and the government moved quickly to vaccinate the country's children in order to prevent a potential outbreak. A vaccination campaign targeting more than 726,000 children was launched in the Banadir and Lower and Middle Shabelle regions. The campaign was carried out by some 3,500 staffers and Nafundi assisted by enabling real-time tracking of vaccination coverage using ODK. Read more.
Fayaz Jatoi is the Coordinator of the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) for Polio Eradication in Sindh, Pakistan. In this guest post, Fayaz describes why AFP surveillance is critical to polio eradication and how an SMS-based reporting system for private care provider helps. Read more.
This position has been filled. Thanks to everyone who applied! Read more.